The Drink Irish Pub Advisor

I have recently been considering the idea of setting up a group that encourages and advises pubs to stock and support local drinks producers. After some initial discussions, a group of us have decided to give this a go — here’s what this group will be about!

The overall aims would be:

  • To encourage and advise Irish pubs on stocking and supporting local Irish-owned drinks producers.
  • To encourage people to ask for local drinks in their local pubs.

We will be available to talk to publicans through social media, email, phone, video and in-person where possible. Publicans who are interested in supporting local could contact us directly, but we would also encourage people to ask for local drinks in their local pubs, and tell them about us if they don’t have any.

The first thing we would do is put the publican in contact with their local breweries, distilleries or cider mills where applicable. For this, we will need to compile and maintain a good list of producers around Ireland, and contact details for them.

Secondly, we will give suggestions on what drinks might work in that particular pub. We would also give suggestions on how to promote the product with their customers. This would require brainstorming ideas to suggest and maintaining a “playbook” to work from when talking to pubs. This document would evolve over time.

Over time, we could get feedback from pubs we have talked to previously, pubs that already support local producers, and producers themselves. We would gather information on what works and what doesn’t in terms of promoting local drinks to customers. The group would evolve over time, and hopefully, become a central place for all knowledge relating to promoting local drinks in local pubs.

This group is open to all: enthusiasts, fans, people who work in the drinks industry and people who work in hospitality. The more people we have, the better and the wider range of expertise and experience the better! Involvement in this group would be as much or as little as you want. There are potentially lots of different activities and which parts you’re involved in is up to you!

Please DM us on social media or email if you are interested in helping out.